Our graduates

Exploring smart harvesting, sowing sustainability!

Click on the name to access the curriculum vitae!


Antonio Maurício Loureiro Júnior, M. Sc.

Armando Lopes de Brito Filho, M. Sc.

Bruno Rocca de Oliveira, M. Sc.

  • Does sunlight and the aggressiveness of the coffee harvester affect the quality of the operation?
  • bruno.rocca@unesp.br 

Caio Cesar Donadon , M. Sc

Danilo Tedesco de Oliveira, PhD

  • Don't forget the below-ground crops: introducing sweet potatoes into the concept of digital agriculture (PhD - 2021)
  • An intelligent system that predicts cotton yield in images of commercial crops (Master Degree - 2019) 
  • danilo.tedesco@unesp.br

Jarlyson Brunno Costa Souza, M. Sc.

João de Deus Godinho Júnior, PhD 
  • Does the period of the day and the face of sun exposure influence the detachment of coffee fruits?
  • joao.godinho@unesp.br

Luan Pereira de Oliveira, PhD

  • Quality of sowing of cotton, corn and soybean crops under the action of downforce in line
  • Mechanized sugarcane harvesting: the wear of knives as a reducing agent for the quality of the basal cut (Master Degree - 2018)
  • luanoliveirax@gmail.com  

Mailson Freire de Oliveira, PhD

  • 2021 - Post doctoral: Use of topographic indices, remote sensing and artificial intelligence to estimate maize yield in management zones

  • 2021 - PhD: Forecasting and estimating crop variables using levels and forms of remote sensing and machine learning techniques
  • mailson.oliveira@unesp.br

Rafael Rodrigues Feih, M. Sc.

  • Application of convolutional neural networks to measure slippage in agricultural tractors
  • feihrafael@gmail.com


Adão Felipe dos Santos, PhD

  • 2020 - Post doctoral: Using remote sensing to map in-field variability of peanut maturity
  • 2019 - Non-destructive method to predict peanut (arachis hypogaea) maturation using remote sensing
  • 2016 - Master Degree: Quality of mechanized agricultural operations in peanut farming using automatic targeting
  • adao.felipe@ufla.br

Alex Rangel Gonzaga, M. Sc

Franciele Morlin Carneiro

  • Post doctoral: Estimation of biophysical characteristics for soybean cultivation through neural networks and remote sensing
  • franmorlin1@gmail.com

Letícia Bernabé Santos, M. Sc


Elizabeth Haruna Kazama, PhD

  • 2019 - PhD: Methodology for selective coffee harvesting in management zones of yield and maturation

  • 2016 - Master Degree: Losses in the mechanized cotton harvesting in spatial variability and harvesting speeds function

  • bethkazama@hotmail.com 

Tiago de Oliveira Tavares, PhD

  • 2019 - PhD: Desenvolvimento de um modelo para dimensionamento da frota na cultura do café 
  • 2016 - Master Degree: Mechanized coffee harvesting as a function of soil management and terrain slope
  • tiagoolitavares@hotmail.com 


Diego Onofre Vidal, PhD

  • 2018 - PhD: Economic evaluation methodology for deciding between renovation or renovation of agricultural tractors 
  • 2013 - Master Degree: Operational performance of tillage systems for citrus transplanting
  • vidalonofre@gmail.com 

Leonardo Bernache, M. Sc.

Lucas Augusto da Silva Girio, PhD 

Matheus Anaan de Paula Borba, M. Sc.

Patricia Candida de Menezes, PhD


Carla Segatto Strini Paixão, PhD

  • 2015 - PhD: Uni and multivariate analysis applied to the quality of mechanized soybean harvesting 
  • 2013 - Master Degree: Times, movements and quality of the mechanized soybean harvesting operation as a function of the shape of the plots
  • carla.voltarelli@facens.br


Evaldo Ferezin

  • 2015 - Post doctoral: Use of quality tools to determine improvements in peanut digger-inverter designs
  • 2015 - PhD: Use of quality tools to determine improvements in peanut ripper-inverter designs
  • evaldoferezin@gmail.com

Felipe Santinat0, PhD

Guilherme de Castro Belardo, PhD 

Marcelo Tufaile Cassia, PhD

  • 2015 - PhD: Control charts for managing mechanized agricultural operations 
  • 2012 - Master Degree: Quality of mechanized coffee harvesting in circular planting under center pivot
  • marcelo.cassia@cambuhy.com.br 


Lucas Villela Rosa, M. Sc.

Luiz Augusto de Souza Nardo, M. Sc.

  • Analysis of scenarios to aid decision-making in mechanized sugarcane planting
  • luiz.nardo@gmail.com  

Murilo Aparecido Voltarelli, PhD

  • 2017 - Post doctoral: Planejamento dos talhões e demanda de energia do plantio mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar  
  • 2015 - PhD: Systemic quality management in mechanized sugarcane harvesting
  • 2013 - Master Degree: Quality of the mechanized sugarcane planting operation in the day and night shifts (Master Degree - 2013)
  • voltarelli@ufscar.br 


Luma Stefania Macri Ohara, M. Sc.

  • Controle estatístico de processo aplicado ao monitoramento de perdas na colheita mecanizada de cana-de-açúcar
  • linkedin.com/in/lumamacri/


Anderson de Toledo, PhD

Rafael Henrique de Freitas Noronha , PhD


Edvaldo Pereira dos Santos

Rafael Scabello Bertonha


Gustavo Naves dos Reis

  • Losses in the mechanized harvesting of raw sugarcane due to the wear of the base cut knives 
  • greis@usj.com.br

Ivan Cardoso Ferreira

  • Diagnosis of cotton seed harvesting and processing in the southern region of Goiás, Brazil

Leandra Matos Barroso

Ronaldo Rosa Simões 

Statistical control applied to the mechanized peanut harvesting process